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LOST MEMORY OF SKIN by Russell Banks


banks russel

In a city of Florida, some convicted sex-offenders are forbidden to live within several miles from any place where they might meet children, so the only place left is under a bridge outside the city. The Kid, 25, is one of those men, living in his tent, in rough conditions and isolated from ordinary people. One day, a strange obese reporter  comes to interview him, and it is the beginning of an unusual relationship between two atypical individuals who will in some way help one another…



This place (Calusa Bay) does exist for good, and this story gives us an idea of what these men have to endure, with no or so very little help from anyone. Really interesting. J. M.


Traduit en français sous le titre: Lointain souvenir de la peau chez Actes sud Littératures, Mars 2012.

banks russel


Par l’auteur de Sous le règne de Bone, De beaux lendemains, American Darling, La réserve,... disponibles à la médiathèque.

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